It's a funny thing we do with our mind. We tell ourselves we're eating well because of something we read in a book, and when our bodies tell us differently we say hush up, I know better than you do! Sheesh!
Well, our bodies never lie. If you're getting light headed, especially when standing, you're not eating OR drinking right! You need more protein and electrolytes and fluids and salt. Try eating the Protein Shake daily and take a packet of EmergenC. Also be sure to drink the cleasning drink. Drink plenty of broths, eat your veggies as soups. See the FAQ for recipes - try Kichadi, Morroccan chicken soup (you can omit the chicken), Broccoli soup, all the broths, shakes/drinks.
Fruit should only be about 2-3 servings a day assuming you're 150 pounds, any more than that and you set yourself up for blood Sugar wonkyness.