Rock and a hard place
Thank you very much for your reply.
I am feeling in a bit of a dilemma
This is a new doctor for me, and it is not easy to even get a doctor in the Yukon. Mostly there are walk-in clinics where they don't keep patient records one receptionist told me?? Possibly because of the high transient population. I called every non walk-in doctor in the book and not one was taking new patients. SO I finally found this dotor who has not been here long.
She is from India but her English is pretty good. She seems very conscientious and I like her which are both important to me.
We discussed it for a while but I am not sure we understood each other.
I asked her for a hashimoto test and a cortisol test and she gave me the form immediately no problem. Probably should have asked for more tests while I was at it.
I also mentioned the
Liver Flushing and she didn't seem to think that was odd.
She has her concerns which are valid.
My concerns are
1. What harm can thyroxine induce necessary or not.
2. Having to find a different doctor.
3. My liver will probably need a lot more flushing etc. I have abused it pretty badly for a very long time and consider myself fortunate to have one at all. It seems to test okay though. It will probably not be 'clean' for quite a while.
Also thanks for the
parasite nest info.(what kind of
parasite would that be.) I was thinking polyp or cyst. It was more like blobs of blood though sort of like it was squashed. I am pretty sure I had/have the liver flukes and roundworms or pinworms.
I keep reading the FAQ and am following it pretty well. It is interesting stuff altogh some things you cannot get easily in Canada. Armour or cal/mag fiz for instance.
Also I have read that the TSH guidelines have changed to .3 and 3 recently?
Anyway thanks again and sorry to keep going on and on.