Thanks for answering my questions! That helped alot. I think I will just go ahead and do the one regular colonic after this next flush. I've been drinking acv (1tbl 3x's/day) with water. The back of my tongue is really coated and I think it has to do with candida (I'm also fighting acne). If the symptoms of die-off become too great then I will consider another colonic with the coffee. (I'm also doing P&B 2x's/day). How long do you think it will take for my tongue to clear? Is that usually a sign of candida? The coating is thick and slightly yellowish. Anyways, thanks for all your help!!! You are really knowledgable and it is easier to follow such abstract protocal when you have the guidance of someone experienced!!
BTW, I'm predominately Vata, equally kapha and pitta