This is what I recommend for alcoholics - Kombucha tea. It can help alcoholics in many ways:
1. It will detox the body and really support the liver.
2. It will provide many very good acids and a broad range of B vitamins.
3. It will help conquer candida because the budding yeasts will starve out the candida yeasts.
4. Tastes great and refreshing. It is yummy and refreshing so it is a nice alternative to beer, it even looks like beer.
The best place to get the Kombucha tea is from Laurel Farms. Betsy is great and will anwser any of your questions with a phone call. It is a tea that you ferment at home. It is easy once you get the hang of it, and it tastes good. My husband even admitted that it is not bad and my kids beg for it.