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I'm vegan, too....
fennel Views: 1,738
Published: 19 y
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I'm vegan, too....


I'm vegan and have been on the Candida diet since May. I've done very well with the following breakfasts:

- 1/4 c. of buckwheat or quinoa -- cook and mix with a bit of unsweetened soymilk, half packet of Stevia sweetener, cinnamon and unsweetened cranberries (I buy them frozen and thaw in a glass of hot water)

- unsweetened plain Wildwood soy yogurt mixed with cinnamon, splash of vanilla extract, cranberries and 1/2 packet of Stevia

- plain, unsalted brown rice crackers spread with tahini or almond butter

With any one of the above, I always have a serving of some green vegetable, which I've grown used to and really like now. Usually steamed broccoli, kale or asparagus. Sometimes napa cabbage sauteed with garlic.

Hope that helps!


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