19 y
Re: also
I had serious seb dermatitis on my face and scalp until I realized that I was too high in omega 3 and low on omega 6. Took me a few years to figure it out and THEN I got the fatty acid profile blood test from Great Smokies which confirmed it. omega 3 and omega 6 compete for the same enzymes that will convert them to their active metabolites. These enzymes seem to prefer omega 3 and thus supplementation with only omega 3 could cause deficiency of omega 6 or GLA. There are also things which can inhibit enzyme conversion altogether, in which case GLA supplements would be called for.
My seb derm almost completely healed after four days of borage oil/primrose supplementation. BUT I have to avoid ALL (even tiny amounts) of omega 3 otherwise it doesnt work. This is the crazy part about my omega 3 allergy, one bite of something with omega 3 and my borage oil supplements turn into a source of inflammation-when I avoid
O3 - Ozone the borage/primrose oil acts as an anti-inflammatory. Perhaps there is a mineral deficiency at play here, virus's can block conversion also.
then again you probably already know all this =)