19 y
To #62503
Prettysoulful has given some very good advice. I'd encourage you to consider it.
Putting coconut oil on it may be helpful. Oregano oil is another option, and my be easier to find. You may be able to find some shampoo in a health store with the ingredients she mentioned. Another ingredient that may be helpful is eucalyptus oil.
(A shampoo that contains the oil, not just a scent). I know there is shampoo with tee tree oil, I use it!
Whatever you try, you might first want to try a little in a small area on your skin, to make sure you don't react. I'm suggesting a shampoo with these ingredients because it may be a gentler approach. If the difficulty is yeast, it is hard to kill so expect improvement to occur over time, rather than in a single application.
Also, consider whether a more widespread yeast overgrowth could be involved. When my yeast problem is bad, my skin is affected (especially my scalp)! If you do have an overgrowth, keep learning more about how to treat it, and build your motivation and determination- it is a long road back to health, but very worth it!