Feeling terrible. is it die-off or diet?
If anyone can help I would appreciate your input.
i have been following a very strict candida diet for 5 weeks, although not so strict for two years prior.
I have felt great, and passed lots of fibrous black BMs which I believe is candida threads (they were preceded by a very sore/cramping in the abdomen as the threads 'let go').
However the last three days my BMs have returned to a normal colour and the fibrous condidion has gone. I thought that might mean my candida is gone. however, since thenI have felt drained, tired, listless, and basically dreadful!
I cannot eat quinoa, potatoes, brown rice or any other carb because it feeds my candida. I can't eat fruit for the same reason. THerefore my diet has consisted of meat, fish, eggs, veg (not the carb containing ones), extra virgin olive oil, lemon, yoghurt, coconuts, and peppermint tea with the occasional weak green tea.
Could my problem simply be lack of carbohydrates, which are needed for energy? IF so, what do I do, coz if I eat them I'm feeding my candida?
Or could it just be a healing crisis with a new colony of candida dying?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts or guidance