Re: EM update...problems
Oh that sounds really tough what you're going through, sorry to hear.
The skin problem you have, maybe it's pyroluria or porphyria? Both can cause photosensitivity and depression...
Pyroluria is diagnosed through a kryptopyrrole urine test and if positive you need more zinc and B6.
But it may well all be metal related....if you have porphyria then a porphyrin test should reveal this too... and a fractionated urine porphyrin test is actually a test for metal toxicity. A more specialised one for mercury toxicity is the precoproporphyrin test but if you have the general test and its positive this suggests other metal toxicity like arsenic, lead or drugs such as morphine. I'm sure you can get a general porphyrin test done at Biolab in London.
Andy Cutler talks about these tests in
Amalgam Illness ( I follow his mercury chelation protocol, you can take things really slow. The Kane protocol sounded too strong for you. Another way of testing for metals is hair analysis then applying Cutlers 'counting rules'. Thats what I did..
OCD is also related to mercury....and low thyroid.
Maybe you could wear a cap with a long peak if you go out?
Hope things get better for you soon,