19 y
Re: EM update...problems
> All of these concerns are something that need to be addressed, that is why ideally you would be able to consult with a clinician concerning these concerns. But as it stands, because of the lag in marketing, more often than not, this information comes from the patients then works into the knowledge base of the healthcare providers. To put this mildly, Mr.Jordan Rubin has done us all a disservice in that had he provided us with this information six years ago, the clincians would have the experience to give you good answers.
Yes absolutely. No doubt JR has justified it to himself one way or another. Thanks for raising our awareness of this issue, its all very interesting.
I like being experimental and learning that way as it forces you to become more self aware and to think more about things instead of relying on others for guidance but its still a bit scary.
I should probably avoid DE then as I still have leaky gut probs.