Thanks Maggie ;-) yes it makes sense to have as wide variety of bacteria as possile. I would feel more comfortable taking in yoghurt etc but kefir/yoghurt are sulphur foods which I have to be careful with...moves mercury around and makes me feel worse. Another complication! Though I've been thinking of making kefir again and just taking small amounts and see how things go.
The question for me was how much of this was a healing crisis...and how much was an increase in bad bacteria.
Otherwise for gut support I'm taking aloe vera and slippery elm, plus a bit of n-acetyl-glucosamine which seem to be helping. I read diatomaceous earth is supposed to absorb methyl mercury in the gut so I'll seriously consider trying that.
I mainly juice lettuce and Celery but I avoid dark green veggies and spirulina etc again because of the sulphur which is a shame as spirulina used to make me feel amazing. These juices would be ideal for the high mineral content but this is one of the problems I face unfortunately.