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Re: Remi was the progress erratic?
remi96 Views: 1,763
Published: 19 y
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Re: Remi was the progress erratic?

well I do not rememeber whether it was erratic the first time I got well. I jsut rememeber feeling horrible for a long time while die off occured. It was at least 5 - 6 months. This time though it does seem erratic. I can feel great for weeks then horrible again. Even though I stay on the same diet and routine. Seems to be die fof can come in spirts I guess.

Last time I had candida I knew nothing about building up reserves of minerals or vits. So I really can't answer that except to say one day I noticed I felt healthy. And I was healthy eveyday after that.

This time though I was severely nutrient deficient. I believe that is where most of symptoms came from. So this time I will be building up. Actually I try to get as much in me now as I can and I will continue that for a long time after getting well. As a matter of fact I will always be nutrient conscience for the rest of my life. And pay much closer attention to the signals the body sends.


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