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Re: How do you feel when you have defeated candida?
lila33 Views: 2,098
Published: 19 y
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Re: How do you feel when you have defeated candida?

Once I did it in a fairly short time, a couple weeks, with Nystatin and avoidance of certain foods. The second time (a few years later) it took me about a month with drinking pau d' arco tea all day long, senna tea to clean me out, & strict diet with supplements. Another time I had to use great discipline because it was more intense. I had to work on healing myself with patience, strict diet, meditation 1-2 hours a day, & yoga. I drank a mix of caprol, psyllium, Bentonite & probiotics daily to clean me out. It took me several months but I was very healthy happy and balanced by the end of it. I lived in a moldy apartment and so when I would have tension in my life my whole system would get weak and then the mold would invade my body. I have eczema and it gets extremely bad when i get a yeast overload. I could feel the moment the candida died off on all occasions. It was like a peaceful well balanced feeling came over me. A sense of relief.
I am once again invaded by yeast after 2+ years of worrying about money and being under great stress. This time it is very intense and it hasn't left me yet. I am seeing a chinese doctor who is treating me with chinese herbs to get the heat and dampness out along with abiding by the regular candida diet. It is easy for yeast to grow in a damp warm environment & the herbs work very quickly to get the heat & dampness out. In 3 days I saw a major improvement. I look forward to that moment when the last bit of it leaves.

Here are 2 links to info about candida and chinese medicine

"The constitutional energy is endangered when an internalized evil is there," says the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine.


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