Re: How do you feel when you have defeated candida?
You feel great !
In my experience it is NOT something you wake up and you are all better. It is gradual. Ten years ago I battled candida and won. I had had candida for about 1 1/2 years when I found what it was. My symptoms were not as bad as this go round. In any case I went on diet and ate tons of yogurt. The first few months...yes that is right months , were absolute hell. I was so tired and fatigued it was hard to hold my head up. I was in training for a new job and I just prayed no one asked me to get up or move. I was mentally out of it. My arms and legs felt like lead. It felt like there was a gravitational force on my body much stronger than normal. I felt like I was 300
pounds and I had no strength at all to drag myself around. I had thrush wich gave me a sore throat, yeast infections that burned, trouble with balance, anxiety attacks, breathing problems. After it started to clear I got better gradually, The fog of mental cloudiness left me and I felt sharp mentally. I could rememeber words I felt clear headed. I could think straight. My body began to feel light. It was no effort to get up and move about. I had tons of energy. The body felt fantastic. I remember neing at work one day and thinking OMG I am not sick anymore. I had gotten so used to existing feeling like crap and draggin myself around like that day in and day out. Of course I then continued diet for another 6 months out of fear and thinking I could never go back to eating normal again after all that. But guess what, eventaully, after about a year of dieting and after 6 months of feeling great I went back to normal food. First I took a bite of bread and nothing happened. In the next few days I tried a cookie, etc. Within a week I went right back to a normal diet with no repercussions whatsoever. I was fine for about 10 years until antibiotcs got me again. Symptoms were different and I did not recognize what was happening...for years. never occured to me I could get it back. Lesson learned.
If you ever have candida you are always suseptible. and the second time it is doozie.