It's good to hear some more positive results about treating Candida rather than purely doom and gloom!! :)
I had Candida from 18 to 28 following glandular fever and numerous
Antibiotic treatments as a result! I had a whole load of symptoms that affected me over the 10 years until some got so bad that I looked into it myself and discovered I had candida!! Some of my symptoms came and went over time and some were progressive and constant;
Major digestive problems and severe bloating
Foliculitis on legs and stomach
Progressive until severe breathing problems
Environmental allergies; namely cigarette smoke
Ongoing intense cystitus
Intense untreatable ringworm on various parts of torso
Fungal nail infections and loss of toe nail
Bad anxiety attacks and intermitent
Depression as well as paranoia
Bad joints symptomatic of arthritis; knees and wrists mainly
Crusty eyes in the morning; at times hard to open
The list goes on and on...
I have been treating Candida for just over a year now! I feel so so much better but I still have up and down days especially with my monthly cycle. I feel a lot of the remaining symptoms are now allergy related so I am treating leaky gut, doing a
parasite cleanse and building up to a liver flush. I think that now I need to work on healing my body. Almost all of the above symtoms have gone. At first (first 6 months) I felt absolutely awful and like I wanted to give up; I felt very ill, everything got worse and it made me so depressed I really wanted to give in! But then grandully things started to clear up and I have felt greatly improved for the past 6 months!
I started with 3 months on a very strict diet; no carbs,
Sugar of any sort (inlcuding no dairy, fruit etc) and taking antifungals including Niastatin for 2 months. I then switched to natural antifungals; caprylic acid, olive leaf, grapefruit seed extract, pau d'arco, oregano oil and rotated these until recently. At all times I have taken or rotated various supplements including multi vit and mineral, cod liver oil, vit c, milk thistle, l-glutamine and taken digestive enzymes with all meals. After 3 months and throughout the last year and I have very gradually added things back to my diet. I still never touch
Sugar or wheat and various other candida no no's like yeast etc. But I do now have a much more varied diet with some fruits and whole grains and very little dairy! I am happy with my diet now and will pretty much maintain it, besides I am too scared to eat bad things anymore!!! I am gradually trying to reduce the supplements I take but I am also taking antiviral supplements at the moment; sasaparilla and cats claw and using a zapper daily as part of a viral and
parasite treatment. I am aiming at another 6 months until I can say I am cured although I will always take great care with my health and maintain my diet indefinitely!
Good luck to everyone else treating this horrid illness!!