Re: Help with ACID / ALKALINE PH results To Moreless
Hi moreless,
Why wait? Because my minerals get so easily out of whack. For instance, I was taking extra coral calcium powder and magnesium liquid along with my regular ionic trace minerals and I developed a K deficiency. Pretty bad with heart palpitations and a stuffed up feeling in the chest. Scary. So I had to stop all minerals, except K, and start over after a couple weeks. I don't want to go through that again.
I would rather get what I need from greens and other vegs and green drinks and maybe getting more alkaline this way, I can then tolerate more of the Ca & Mg. supplements.
What I'm experiencing is like trying to climb two ladders at one time, one leg on one ladder, the other leg on the other ladder, and neither of them are progressing up at the same rate. Or one is going down while the other up. I don't know how to control a steady progress of alkalizing with mineral supplementation. It may be better for me to alkalize more with foods.