Re: Help with ACID / ALKALINE PH results To Moreless
Hi moreless,
Just some questions as I'm unclear about some things you said:
"If a person is on a high protein diet, this may cover up a lack of Alkaline Minerals to begin with, for a short time, so one needs to figure out what is causing the test to be what it is!"
Wouldn't a person be MORE acidic because of a high protein diet? What do you mean "cover up the lack of alkaline minerals?" Do you mean a high protein diet would futher enhance the problem of lacking minerals because of the acid forming proteins?
"For if the liguid minerals are not of the kind which the body needs, then the long term condition of keeping the body Healthy or helping the body to recover may not then come about and the person may stay sick or get sick!!"
I'm unlcear, what do you mean here? Are you suggesting a person should get a mineral panel done to determine which minerals should be supplemented? Or are there only certain kinds of alkalizing minerals? Can you clarify?