Re: Has anyone ever gotten there medical records? This should be illegal! Long Rant!
Hey, your story sounds horrible, and I don't doubt that stuff like that can happen. Just want to say though, Doctors are not all evil maniacs. :) What you're asking them to do, is go outside their training and fix a problem that all their years of schooling didn't prepare them for. Since Doctors are human, quite often they don't do too well when confronted with situations like this. And, if you consider, where would all the doctors who like to face new things, and problem-solve and figure them out go? They, (of course) go do research where they are confronted with situations like this. My dad's a doctor, and when he talks about the best doctors he has ever known, he talks about doctors that were doing research or were on a grant or something similar.
Anyway, my point is that you are right; there are a ton of doctors out there who are not very good (and as I know from personal experience can have all the problems that anyone else can--they can be schizophrenic, paranoid, whatever). However, what they are trained to do, they do pretty well (imo), just look at the increased life expectancy we've gotten over the past couple of centuries and I think it's fairly obvious.
Finally, for your problem I'd suggest you find someone who specializes in your problem. While you might luck out and find a general practicionar who is able in what you are trying to fix then all well and good, but imo there is almost no chance of that happening. If you want to get quality care you have to find a specialist to take care of your problem. General practicionars, because they aren't expected to have to deal with your problems, aren't trained to be able to help you.
P.S. One last thing, lol. About medications. Good doctors treat drugs a crutch or a boost to get a patient out of a trouble zone. I'm certain that if doctors had isolated the antiseptic ingredient in garlic first, there would be people recommending you take (for example) yoghurt with penicillium cultured within it. All the herbs that are recommended on this site are drugs......they just haven't been tested and mass produced. Wht you guys on this site are doing is taking an active interest in your health, and a proactive approach to fixing it. The good doctors will never say that cleansing yourslef etc., will have no effect. And if you have a good doctor, I can't imagine them doing anything but encouraging it. The average person however, is too lazy/ignorant/unmotivated to actually do these kind of things. Knowing a good doctor (my father) I know he doesn't offer these kind of things as a matter of course because it is too much work for the average person. Then, the average/bad doctor won't recommend this kind of thing because in their perspecyive they would not want to do it, so they wouldn't recommend it to their patients. So, it becomes a cycle.
P.S.S. If you actually read all this thanks lol. And don't take everything I said too seriously, I was kind of on a rant mode when I wrote this. :)