I'm ready to get off the sugar, but need advice.
I've been told I can't tackle my candida, or do a cleanse, until I'm off sugar. This is going to be really hard because when I've tried to go off
Sugar before, I get disoriented, have mood swings that are hard to control and get brain fog. But I know I must, so I'm going to go for it.
My question is, is there ANYTHING I can do to minimize (or eliminate?) these symptoms while I'm cold-turkeying it? And can anyone suggest how long the symptoms will last? I did a 1 month cleanse 2 years ago, but I didn't completely de-sugar because I didn't know I had yeast before I started it. Jhan suggested chromium supplements, but I've looked online and can't figure out why they will help reduce my withdrawal symptoms.
Anyone who has faced a yeast-motivated
Sugar addiction and recognizes themself in this, please tell me your story. One big problem is I'm a therapist and need to be very composed, emotionally available and a good planner at all times. So I'm worried, but I still must do it.