Well when I first started grinding and clenching my teeth, I WAS under tons of stress. I was only in my very early twenties and raising two small boys on my own. I gave up on the hairdressing career and was attending college full time. We were soooo poor and on welfare. Gosh- if that isn't stressful, then what is!! :-) These days life is MUCH different. I have a wonderful husband whom I have been married to for 11 years and although money is extremely tight, nothing like those days :-). I haven't been under a lot fo stress for years, but I still grind my teeth. I am noticing a lot of changes lately though. I have already gotten relief from years of back pain from dredging out lots of old toxins ( colinics were a godsend for that! ) I can't say for sure the exact connection, but maybe the candida has been attacking my weakest areas??