Re: TMJ and Advil- to janey
Hi : )
I have been using a night guard for quite a few years. As you know, stress is definitely a causal factor with regard to grinding teeth. Stess makes us more susceptible to candida (immune system overload) ...that's why (IMO) it is sooooooo important to do some "mind" work and lifestyle changes! I am currently attempting to get rid of several "stressors" in my life...easier said than done! Gawd, what a vicious cycle!!
Soooooo, I am just curious when you said
"Interestingly ( and thank GOD ), both of these health conditions have improved a lot since I've been battling my candida the last few years. These things are definately all connected."
Have you reduced stress (in some way) in your life and would you attribute this reduction to reduced symptomatic TMJ and candida? For me, I have noticed a correlation between my "mind" work (I am currently working through a LOT of stuff) and meditation and the release of candida's ugly grip...!
Hmmmmmm......I think I may take a poll...
Thanks for your insight! : )