with those symptoms, it could be alot of things. i don't know if anyone is qualified to say what it is over the web just by reading an email. i can't speak to the candida, but I have dealt with the metals. Regarding the metal, getting it out of your teeth is great, but getting the metal residue out of your body is another thing entirely.
what i did after getting my
Amalgams removed:
- bought an infrared sauna (www.brightonsauna.com). even if you're not interested in buying one, they have some avail in some integrative care medical & other alternative offices, as well as some gyms).
- ate chlorella (supposedly crosses the blood brain barrier to take metals out of the brain)
- didn't eat cilantro but many people use cilantro drops to chelate the metals out of the body
- used magnetic clay baths (very cheap - easy)
http://www.magneticclaybaths.com on this site there are before and after lab tests showing that the metals were in fact reduced by taking the baths. i took about 4 of them...
- homeopathic nosode for dental metals (i got this through my homeopath/naturopath, i don't know if they're available over the web).
the thing about metals is that they hide in the body. i did a test which showed up as being negative, no metals in my body. then after i started taking saunas the test showed up positive; because the metals were actively being released.
there are doctors that do chelation of metals with synthetic agents, personally i don't go in for that (dmsa,dmps,edts-yuck). i stick with the natural chelators that won't hurt.
http://www.acam.org has a listing of alternative doctors and some naturopaths. some doctors like to do synthetic chelation and THEN they give you a test to assess metals; I don't personally go for this, as some people have reactions to the chelating agents.
The only doctors that i've ever thought anything good about was one acam doctor and one integrative care doctor. i thought some of the tests they did (urine analysis, hair analysis, stool analysis, from Great Smokies Diagnostic Labs, among other labs including metametrix) were great. From the Great Smokies page there are listing of practicioners that use their tests. I also got the bowel lyme test, which is supposedly more accurate than any western blot test for lyme. (www.bowen.org for a listing of doctors). i found the tests very informative even though i wasn't interested in prescription drugs as a treatment.