Re: Magnesium defiency could be the CULPRIT of SYMPTOMS not candida
Well I agree wholeheartedly with you.
It has been quite disappointing to spend a few hours online and discover answers to questions you were under the impression that your very informed and very expensive doctors should know! My vision changed about 10 years ago, and now I know that it was linked to candida. While taking molybdenum to counter the acetaldehyde effects, my vision is remarkably clearer. I have experienced the heart palpations for years, and, while not severe, have been quite shaken by them, especially when they first started. I'm hoping that the magnesium supplementations will be of great help. It has already had an effect on my sleep. And it is quite funny that I first bought it to use as an alternate in my
Liver Flush to promote diarrhea. Then after I got it, it occurred to me, that if I was too low in it, it would not work for me as a diarrhetic. That's when I started taking it supplementally. Like you, I often wonder if many of this board's participants have candida or some other underlying illness. I personally discovered an underlying gluten-intolerance while trying the candida/elimination diet, and now am certain that that has been at the root of my candida issues and possibly my magnesium deficiency. After trying several anti-fungals along with the diet, I have finally found success with pau d'arco. My thrush is better everyday.
I hope you have a chance to read the article/essay that I attached earlier. It seems to cover information on magnesium from the year 2000 up to 2005 with tons of references. It also gives a lot of guidance on balancing magnesium with calcium and taurine to avoid the diarrhetic effect as well as detox the excess calcium. His doses are a bit high for me, but I have started using the magnesium/calcium/taurine combo daily.
Good luck spreading the word, I do appreciate it and apology if anything I have written appeared to be an attack. Sometimes it is difficult to express myself in the forum format.