20 y
the sport of kings...
Modern Man is definitely the greater evil-but to hunt/fish just for the sake of it is not completely honorable either. Certainly death is not cruel, its the motives/actions of the hunter/trapper that determines the cruelty. I realize trapping is an ancient skill/art, but this does not make it right-the same goes for bowhunting. It would be nice to see a report for every animal dropped by an arrow, how many end up running off....
The truly chivalrous hunter would go after the animal with his barehands (maybe a knife), then we would see the true "omnivorous" traits come out in man. Doesn't sound like too much fun to go after the bear or lion anymore does it? Remember man did and does still do this though in the arctic and africa-mostly as a test of manhood, but the implications to the ritual run much deeper.
For the better part I am a vegetarian. I choose not to buy meat. I can hunt and butcher if I choose to eat wild game.
What bothers me the most, is the western hunter/fishermen that kill the animal and out of complete disrespect for the animal only take home a few bits of flesh from the creature. Ideally one should use the whole animal (hide, blood, bone, innards, etc.).
A liver or kidney from a fresh "kill" over the coals is even better than a steak (beef anyway) to me.
To see the look on a Japaneseman/woman's face as our fishermen fillet a fish. The whole fish gets used over there-even in restaurants. Trust me the roes are almost more valuable over there than the meat--this is what keeps the canneries alive in Alaska...
Now if I could figure out how the Asians prepare Sunfish....