You CAN overeat on raw healthy foods. I was staying with my rawfood aunt and uncle for a month, and I think thought the food we made tasted great! I was like, "It's SO healthy" and then I would knock myself out eating all kinds of stuff, especially the "ice cream" made with frozen fruit and the champion juicer, plus my aunt has a penchant for stuff like date nut balls, and I love avocados... I was GAINING weight!
I was at a Hallelujah Acres conference this past june, George Malkmus the founder is quite thin, however his wife and two of their children (also raw) are a bit plump. People ask them why, and they say that they prefer to eat more of the rich, heavy foods. So, guess it's up to one's choice (and willpower). At least it shows that a person doesn't have to 'waste away to nothing' on raw foods!