Soy Products, Meat & dairy
Interesting site, to be sure, but contains old misinformation regarding meat. There is new scientific evidence linking meat to heart disease via the meat protein and "homocystein" link. Also, look at the evidence regarding meat and the "arachidonic acid" (inflamatory disease) connection. Red meat consumption disturbs the fatty acid balance via arachidonic acid. This is not "science from 1957" as the site states. Of course the negative effects of meat eating can be balanced by supplementing the diet with Omega 3 and Folate + B vitamin complex. For me, this supports the idea of consuming foods "in moderation". I have also read that the modern, mass farmed, meat of today does not contain the essential fatty acid balance of pre industrialized meat due to breeding methods and manipulation by the meat industry (to increase meat yeild). Supposedly this also has to do with the fact that meat farmed cows are not free range and tend to eat poor diets regulated by farming practices.
In addition to the meat confusion this site ( to promote milk. I understand the homogenized verses non-homo milk but, as an asthma sufferer, I can definitively state, with confidence, that when I consume any milk product I have asthma attacks. When I don't consume milk products my asthma is less frequent. I don't discount the possibillity of allergies however it seems to be a common theme with many people I know.
I am definitely taking the whole soy as poison idea into consideration, through multiple resources, but I can't say I'm a convert as of yet as it seems the doctor is still out on fermented soy products and there seems to be an infinite plethora of contradictory evidence on both sides of the fence. Once again, all of this contradictory evidence reinforces moderation in my current scheme.