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Re: Soy (Dalpert)
MangoBird Views: 9,508
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 27,637

Re: Soy (Dalpert)

I'm not trying to fly in the face of your response, nor do I care to intentionally insult you, as I have no interest in supporting an industry or habit that proves detrimental (thus I have no motivation to prove you wrong), all I want are real truths I can sink my teeth into. While I'm not inherently trusting of Andrew Weil and the holistic bandwagon in the US I'm also not very trusting of the USDA or the FDA as, I believe, they also cater heavily to special interests -read: meat/dairy industry and pharmaceutical giants (Follow the money for motivation). Not to mention that this site (
) is written using a lot of sensationalistic language and posturing. As to whether or not this site is presenting "real" soy info is yet to be seen. What makes this site more credible that the actual universities and researchers conducting said research. I'll definitely give this site a good going over, it seems like it might have some valid information. I'm curious about the "scores of research papers" they claim that exist touting the evils of soy. Not to mention, who funded this supposed research, wouldn't be a pharmeceutical, meat subsidiary or dairy/livestock US state college would it? Also, how was the research conducted, did they use certified organic soy or Genetically-Modified soy, what about pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hydroponic or sun grown soy and under what circumstances?

This also begs the question of what protein source IS good to eat if soy and beans (legumes) are not? Meat? Yeah right...



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