Re: Evolution: A Modern-Day CULT
I'm glad you asked this:
"If you're sticking so close to scripture it doesn't talk about eskimos or indonesians or africans or swedes, so how do you explain the varieties of races in the world? Africans have darker skin because God thought it'd be cool to spice things up visually?"
Actually do you know what evolutionists believe? If not I'll tell you:
The evolutionists believe that all traits of all animals -- including skin color of humans -- is an accident....some call it "mutation", some call it "copying error"...etc. In any event the ACCIDENT happened FIRST, which caused the skin color (of black people from Africa, for instance) to turn black. This, in turn was "selected" by their environment and then passed on to future generations.
As a an anti-Darwinist I find this absurd. To me it's obvious that the environment (the sun in this case) CAUSED this group of people to develop a darker pigment. Similarly in a polar bear, the environment CAUSED his skin to become thick, as to protect him from the cold. This are millions of other examples of this around the globe.
However, the basic ridiculous dogma of evolutionists is that mutations (accidents) are not at all related to the needs of the organism. The theory is based on RANDOM genetic changes. If evolution were found to be driven by genetic changes that were NOT random -- that were in any way a response to the environment or to the needs of the animal -- it would CONTRADICT the whole theory. Evolutionists INSIST that variations from which evolution stems are RANDOM.
So to answer your question, No I do not think God thought it be cool to spice up the races. The environment where each person on earth lives dictates much about how he/she will look. S