You know, sometimes I just have to laugh. It's rather hilarious how hypocritical you evolutionists are. Many of you guys dismiss us Christians as being anti-scientific religious dreamers, but you guys are just as fanatical as us -- if not more. You have your own cosmology, your own unseen miracles (random mutations), your own beliefs in the supernatural (The SWAMP), your own High Priests (Darwin, Gould, Dawkins), your own saints (Sanger), your own worldview (DEATH, TAXES,), your own explanation of the universe (CHANCE), your own Bible (Origin of Species). Yes, you have all the traditional attributes of "religion" that you claim to utterly despise! LOL!
And what's truly laughable is your doctrines are even less scientifically provable than the story of Noah's Ark, yet your belief system is taught as FACT at every level of the public school system. According to you guys, Darwinism is a FACT, people are born gay, child-molestors can be rehabilitated and abortion is a sacred entity. By the way, if gays can't change their sexual preference, what makes you think that child molesters can? In my view pedophilia is no less of a sexual preference than being homosexual! In my world both should be Darwin's/Dawkins's world both should run rampant.
But the absence of divinty makes darwinism no less religious than any other faith. To believe in Darwinism is a comprehensive belief system denying the Christian belief in man's immortal soul. Your religion holds that there is nothing sacred about humans. We are no better than a donkey, a fish or an earthworm. And not only do you deny we have a soul, most atheists even deny that there's anything sacred about man's consciousness -- since it was created by a long chain of accidents! So in your world, it's just an ACCIDENT that we happen to love our wife and kids. It's just an ACCIDENT that we get emotional when singing the National Anthem or Amazing Grace. It's just an ACCIDENT that we feel it's wrong to torcher a child.
And it's really funny how you guys try to get us to "convert" into thinking like you. What you don't understand is that many people in this country are diametrically opposed to the concept of beatiality, mass killings of "undesirables" and mandatory ACLU memberships. And it's truly humorous how you think you can trick us by masquerading as rationalists, adopting a sneering tone of scientific sophistication -- which in my view is much like being condescended by a tarot card reader!
The core of the evolutionists as I see it is they simply hate mankind. THEY'RE JEALOUS OF THEMSELVES!!! They want nothing more than to be climbing trees and swinging from vines so they can somehow justify their ape-like animalistic behaviors. They want nothing more than to be like little baboon-barbarians so they can rationalize taking other people's things in a spasm of uncontrolled, cult-like animalistic greed -- which somehow will make them feel "at one" with their blessed Mother Earth.
"If a person doesn't think that there is a God to be accountable to, then
what's the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable
ranges? That's how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth, that we all came from slime. When we died, you know , that was it, there is nothing"
--- Jeffrey Dahmer, noted Evolutionist