Free will means we can make choices. Do I want to eat chicken today or steak? I will choose chicken. Do I want to wear red today or green? I will choose green. Do I want to spend $10.00 on a movie ticket or spend $10.00 on a baseball ticket? I will choose the baseball ticket. IOW, we are not limited by instinct alone. God gave us free will, the ability to make choices. Lions in the wild do not kill antelopes for nothing. They only kill antelopes when they are hungry. A herd of antelopes could pass them by but if they just ate, they will let them pass unharmed. Now, humans on the other hand, as we have free will, many, many of us eat EVEN WHEN WE ARE NOT HUNGRY, IT'S A CHOICE. Probably not a good idea, but a choice nonetheless.
IMHO, we are definitely created from God, and not an evolved monkey or something. We far surpassed any othe animal in the animal kingdom.