I don't Understand
Why don’t people from both sides of this debate see that neither side is complete with out the other? Neither side can be denied logically. They both need each other to be complete.
The Creation Side
On the creation side, saying evolution is impossible means the Bible is wrong, so anything isn’t possible. Other things in the Bible can be proven wrong, so how do we know the “seven day creation” is true? The Bible says things like, in the day of David, or in the day of the Romans. In these cases the word “day” simply means during that time, or for that period of time. A “day can either be 24 hours, or a longer period of time.
The Bible also says something like; to God a day is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day. This means time is meaningless to God. A day could be a billion, billions of years, or trillions of years. It doesn’t matter; it’s all the same to God. Time doesn’t exit to an eternal being.
Science has proven the sequence in the “days” of creation in the Bible is correct. Funny how people 2-5,000 yrs. ago knew the right sequence of events in Earths development, but thought the world was flat. The Bible never said that though. Anyway the only difference between
Science and the Bible is how long each “day” was.
I find it interesting how the same salty solution freely circulates in our bodies, bathing each individual cell in the same salt water solution that stimulated the first protoplasmic reactions to function in the beginning of Earth. Our bodies can ONLY function in this salt water solution, without it we die. And it’s not just humans, the more highly organized land animals could not survive if this same essential salt solution didn’t circulate throughout their bodies in the blood stream which freely bathes, literally submerses, every tiny living cell in this "briny deep."
Also an embryo goes through all the evolutional developments all life did on Earth, from a single cell to current human development. We start as a single celled creature surrounded and filled with salt water to a human being in nine months. The evidence is right in front of us. It’s actually part of us.
During the first few weeks of development, a human embryo looks the same as just about any other animal. It could be a kangaroo as far as anyone knows. Wouldn’t it seem like if humans were so special or different, an embryo would look like a human, instead of possibly a bear, or a bird?
It also can’t be denied there is little difference in DNA between apes, or a lot of other animals, and humans. There’s only about 2.5% difference in us and apes. Relatively that’s so small there is almost no difference.
It also can’t be denied that the universe is a lot older then 5,000 yrs. The light coming from distant bodies in the universe defiantly takes more than 5,000 years to get here. A LOT longer.
So a “day” can be any length of time, the sequence of creation is correct, you can even see proof of evolution in humans, and the universe is a LOT older than 5,000 years. So how can the 5,000 year old Earth be proved? It’s can’t. I never even mentioned any of the geological or evolution conventional evidence either.
The Evolution Side
Now how can a cause be less than an effect? It is only logical for instance a human, (a cause) is greater than for instance a computer, (an effect of humans) and scientists say an effect CAN’T be greater than a cause. IT CAN”T. So there has to be something greater than everything in the universe, and the universe itself, that caused it to exist. It has to be greater than us too.
It also can’t be denied that the universe is a complex, very precise, and mind-boggling mechanism. If you tweak just one little thing like the ozone layer for instance, just a little bit, life on Earth wouldn’t exist at all. There are quit a few things like this in the universe when if tweaked just a little, there wouldn’t be any life at all. For instance if anti-matter was just a little greater, there wouldn’t even be ANY matter. According to science, matter was just a little greater than anti-matter right after the big bang and is why there is matter in the first place.
What happens to matter when sucked into a black hole? Some scientists say black holes could be creating new solar systems with this matter, but where are these new solar systems? This universe is so far beyond our comprehension it will probably always remain a mystery. How can this be true? Something as simple as matter being greater than we can understand, much less create.
Speaking of creating, man creates nothing. Man can only take what is already there and change it. Nothing has been or ever will be created by man.
Now how can something be “blinking in and out of existence” as we speak? Where is it going to when it doesn’t “exist”, and where is it coming from when it does “exist?” Nothing physical can create itself logically, and according to science. Yet it’s happening all around us. Protits are doing what
Science says can’t be done. Yet it’s being ignored by you and conventional science, just like alternative health is being ignored by conventional medicine.
So there must be something greater than everything, including us, in this mind-boggling universe, for it to exist. It’s greater than the universe itself and caused it to exist, since the universe is incapable of creating itself. There is scientific evidence for things being created as we speak that defy all logic, reason, and science. What does that leave for the cause of all existence? It leaves something that can’t be proven exists, and is beyond ALL physical things. Yet there is a book that explains it a long time ago, and is still being ignored. It’s not the first time man’s ego has gotten in the way of truth though.
These are only a few examples showing neither side of the evolution/creation debate can stand on it’s own without the other. It shows both are true to a certain extent. Now if just one fact from each side of the debate in my post is true, then both evolution and creation must be true. For either side to be true, so must the other. There is no separation except in the mind of man.
Now let’s go to an area no one from either side mentions because it’s taboo for both sides.
What about ghosts, after death experiences, (not near death, because they’re dead) reincarnation, dreams that come true, visions of the future, ESP, communicating with the dead, and UFO’s? All these things have happened so much and been verified, that no one can logically deny it. These go against both sides of the debate, yet they are real. They also verify both evolution/big bang, and creation are only part of the picture, and need each other to be the complete. Ego’s and pride are the problem; it’s not the evidence that’s for sure.
Take Care,
p.s. Atalanta I never mentioned “because God” in here.