If humans are just an evolved animal...
...then why aren't there OTHER animals who have evolved mentally/spiritually as well? Why do you not see rabbits solving mathmatical equations? Why have bears not evolved to the point to where they can at least build a campfire to cook their salmon? Why don't you see turtles rioting, administering abortions and smoking joints with their crazy liberal friends? Why don't you see pigs praying or burying their dead? Heck...they've been around millions of years!...what's taking them so long?? How long shall we wait? -- for ANY animal to get with the program?
And you silly evolutionary Athiests are SURE humans aren't special???
So why are animals all content being naked? Why do all animals walk on 4 legs? Why are all animals so dang dumb?...all they do is eat, crap, reproduce...eat, crap, reproduce. By the way, why are animals not embarrased to take a crap in front of strangers? Why are almost all animals instinctively afraid of humans? Why are we the only animal without a thick coat of fur? Luck? Could it be because our creator wanted us to have distinction amongst each other? And why are Humans the only animals to have evolved menstration? And if we evolved from monkees, why are all of us so freaking bad at climbing trees?
Evolution, if it's true could not possibly single out a creature for special treatment! In fact, logic would say that all animals would be at vastly different stages of mental/spiritual development. So Why is it that only we humans lucked into having special mental/physical/emotional abilities?
The Evolutionary theory is so stupid it's embarassing. I've come to the conclusion that the "scientists" spouting out evolutionary "facts" are absolutely full of it. These people are so drunk on their own Godless/liberal agenda that they can't see the created forest for the evolutionary trees. And you people falling for it are either blind, high on crack or just plain dumb. -- And quite possibly all 3.