-- Widely used heartburn and ulcer drugs such as Nexium, Pepcid and Prilosec reduce germ-killing stomach acid
Popular pills that do what we had thought was a good thing, turns out to be a bad thing.
From ulcers to Cancers and everything in between, we are suseptible due to LOW gut acids.
1]The outbreaks of C-Difficile are due top low gut acid, a hospital confirms this and implements therapy based on that.[giving them acidopholous when they get
Antibiotics is standard therapy now in most hosptials in Canada].
2]Widely used heartburn and ulcer drugs such as Nexium, Pepcid and Prilosec can make people more susceptible to pneumonia, probably because they reduce germ-killing stomach acid, Dutch researchers found in a study of more than 300,000 patients.
[see link]
3]Prevacid works by reducing gut acid, but in the opposite way - the body reacts to Prevacid by flushing the gut with acid in response to Prevacid taking it away. The ads say the opposite, so this is a crime ongoing. Take some vinegar[acid] when you have heartyburn, and the pains stops. If the prevacid theory was true, vinegar would cause more pain for your ulcer/heartburn.
Then, afer taking Prevacid,the acid is neutralised a bit and your ulcer pain returns.You take another. Now its chronic, and eventually you will find yourself in surgery for gallstones. Its all Bullsplat - avoid the Prevacid, eat some acidic foods, stop taking TUMS, and live long and prosper.
Should we stop eating the foods that cause low acid too? I need some research here.But no, I doubt we should, I doubt there is such a thing. Its all bullsplat.
We only need to avoid the
Antibiotics , and then we would not get ulcers. Anyone out there with an ulcer who DID NOt take
Antibiotics ? No, we all got them at one point, then the bad bacterias get established and we get ill in one way or another.
If not antibioitics, likely some other pharmacuetical pill or medical proceedure started your ulcer infection.
Some, or most, cancers are from virus too. Low acid gut will allow them to get established.
IBS is too.
Chronic pain conditions CANNOT be sustained unless there is an onhgoing situation - likely bacterial/viral. My chronic pains eased up by 90% when I got my rotting teeth removed.
Mental health problems too - anxiety, depression, bi-polar, etc are potentially bug-based!Anorexia for sure.
This "bug-acid" thing is the main barrier to health. We have to get a handle on this. This is what medical people depend on to make us ill and keep us ill [not your doc, he doesn't know whats going on].