My father has suffered from severe depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia for the past 2-3 years. He has tried everything conventional and holistic to get it under control. Wellbutrin is the ONLY thing he has found that would give him his life back, in conjunction with counseling. Just remember that every medication is different for different people. If one thing does not seem to be working or the side effects are so adverse it is not worth it, do not give up hope. Encourage her to let her health care provider know so she can try something else or a smaller dosage.
When I was treated for comorbid Depression and anorexia-bulimia 4 years ago, I was first put on Zoloft which made me do nothing but sleep. Then I tried Serzone that made me completely wired. I finally found a third (name evades me) that was just right in a very small dose.
I wish you and your wife the best of luck in finding something that works for her.