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This is what i use!!
candidaleakygutliver Views: 1,745
Published: 21 y
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This is what i use!!

I have had panic attacks for 5 years now, so bad that it is difficult to drive on the freeway without feeling like driving off it. I was prescribed from a MD that only treats holistically 3 theanine capsules daily, and when I have the most anxiety to take a 5-htp pill. Theanine lowers serotonin and 5htp increases it. I don't like taking the 5-htp during the day because I get too mellow but it does work for me. The best thing I could suggest though is the theanine. It forces the body to relax-it creates alpha waves within 30 minutes and lasts for 8 hours. It is like the miracle drug for me. My counselor said i should go on prozac but refuse. I low the theanine, even though I am confused about it lowering serotonin. Sex drive is not decreased with the theanine either. It might however with the 5-htp because it works like Paxil and raises serotonin. I made my husband take theanine to, he loves it too. It is green tea without any of the caffeine effects. I am a very stressed out person, regardless of the stress, and if your wife is as well she might benefit from it.



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