Hi! If the anxiety from being around people bothers you you might try taking things in smaller steps. You've been used to isolation for quite awhile now! I've had to do that for a similar anxiety problem. For the longest time I'd have panic attacks when out after dark. Especially if I saw a man I didn't know. It took awhile, but this winter I realized it's do to my mom's caution horror stories! To get over it I first went to the store with my hubby tagging along. Then I went just at sundown, so there was some light left. Then I slowly started going after dark. I'd sing songs, tell myself stories anything to keep my mind from replaying "possiblities" over and over. When I paniced because of a person I saw I'd ask myself why I was scared. Then I started telling myself "good stories". It has taken some time, and I still have bad times, but I am getting over those particular anxiety/panic attacks. It's okay to take things in ity bity baby steps, thats the best way to see successes instead of failures!!