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Re: Societies Worse Off 'when they have god on their side'
Uncas Views: 3,624
Published: 20 y
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Re: Societies Worse Off 'when they have god on their side'

Religion is all about the power of one human being over the other! Its all about making people fit into a shackled box that represses individuality , creativity and intellectual persuits! Its very foundations are built with the idea of restricting and admonishng those who disagree!
Its tenets have been restricted by men of wisdom who realise the bigotry of religion is not compatable with a free society! Of course those who see the need to control have bastardised these restriction of freedom from religion and have convinced many that the loss of freedom for the gain of security is a better path and that belonging to the flock is safer then being an individual and that individualism is a threat to the flock!
Repression ,fear and guilt, is not a formula for a better society!


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