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ignoring everything that proves you wrong doesn't make you look very good
nick5 Views: 3,540
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 271,265

ignoring everything that proves you wrong doesn't make you look very good

WHat ignorance and lies in your message!

Why do you think they have only young people in gay pride parades, and in flyers for gay events? That's b/c gays have a low age for death, the die prematurely.
That's not true we see old gay couples all the time!! 60 years old and over! You know nothing of what you speak! You are stuck in your own little world of ignorance and don't want to get out!

And I'm sure you'll debate that line, and every other one on my post. So go ahead. But I might, might not read or respond to it.
There's no debate, because this isn't about opinions, it's about facts, and you are wrong! So there's no debate! Of course you won't respond, you always ignore the stuff that proves you wrong! Just like all christians! Another proof that you want to remain in your little ignorant world! And yes christian bashing is better than gay bashing, gay isn't a choice, christian is! I'd rather be gay than a christian, because at least I'd still be able to think rationally and enjoy life, and debate with intelligence, something christians are CLEARLY unable to do!!

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Hahaha, we all saw that one before, at least 200 times. You think it's clever and funny? It's just boring and stupid, and besides, Adam and eve are fictional characters! They don't exist! Again relying on the book of LIES to support your position! This will do you no good when trying to debate with inteligent, rational and free thinking people!



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