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again more evidence that you are wrong
nick5 Views: 3,530
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 271,261

again more evidence that you are wrong

"Giraffes do it, goats do it, birds and bonobos and dolphins do it. Humans
beings--a lot of them anyway--like to do it too, but of all the planet's
species, they're the only ones who are oppressed when they try.

"Among bonobos, a
chimplike ape, homosexual pairings account for as much as 50% of all
sexual activity. Females especially engage in repeated acts of same-sex
sex, spending far more than the 12 or so seconds the whole transaction can
take when a randy male is involved.

"Male giraffes practice necking--
literally--in a very big way, entwining their long bodies until both
partners become sexually aroused
^Nope, those definitely don't have anything to do about the alpha male showing his superiority.

"Animals as diverse as elephants and rodents practice same-sex mounting,
and macaques raise that affection ante further, often kissing while
assuming a coital position
. "

"Humboldt penguins may have homosexual unions that last six
; male greylag geese may stay paired for 15 years--a lifetime
when you've got the lifespan of a goose.

"Bears and some other
mammals may bring their young into homosexual unions, raising them with
their same-sex partner just as they would with a member of the opposite



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