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Re: More evidence from wikipedia
anonymousjane_01 Views: 3,323
Published: 20 y
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Re: More evidence from wikipedia


The alpha male will use his penis to put into submission a lower level male; it let's everyone know who boss. That happens in the ape species, and human species. However, other than domination over another what would be the point of homosexuality, esp. among humans. Why would one sex fall in love with the same? Where's the procreation advantage?

* Homosexuality in male sheep (found in 6–10% of rams) is associated with variations in cerebral mass distribution and chemical activity. A study reported in Endocrinology concluded that biological factors are in play; this study replicated similar findings in humans. It shows that approximately 10% of males are homosexual and that the brains of homosexual males are different. [5]."

The brains of homosexual males are different, a congenital defect, a freak, it's like having schizophrenia, or cerebral palsy, it's not a normal condition. That's my point. It's a condition where the person needs to be reconditioned, given therapy, or something to get normal.

Now do you see you are wrong, or are you too stubborn to admit that!!



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