Re: More evidence from wikipedia
"The alpha male will use his penis to
put into submission a lower level male; it let's everyone know who boss. That happens in the ape species, and human species. However, other than domination over another what would be the point of homosexuality, esp. among humans."
So? Even if it,s not for the same purpose, it's still sex, and sex between two of the same gender=homosexuality. Your statement leads nowhere, and therefore does not prove your point in any way.
Besides you ignored a lot of the other stuff that had nothing to do with the dominance of the alpha male. Female do it too, why did you ignore that?
And you literally said something like "I've never heard of fishes, cats, birds, etc etc, doing it". Come on, at least admit that you were wrong about THAT. It would AT LEAST give a credibility boost to your honesty.
"Why would one sex fall in love with the same?
Where's the procreation advantage?"
There is none, that's my point; sex isn't ONLY about procreation. It's also about pleasure. If two person of the same sex feel so great when they're together, if they feel such a great attraction between each other, then there is nothing wrong with them having sexual relations! Sexual relations are also an expression of your love for another person!
"The brains of homosexual males are different, a congenital defect, a freak, it's like having schizophrenia, or cerebral palsy, it's not a normal condition. That's my point."
Hahaha. I was expecting something like that. The truth is you just pulled that straight out of your ass! Nowhere does it say that except in your closed mind! Relying on lies and made up stories is a typical christian attitude!
If anything indicates a congenital defect it's the need to serve a super imaginary friend (god)! Are you too brainwashed by your fairy tales book to see that you are wrong?? Or did your alpha male (god) use his penis on you to force you into submission!!! LOL!!