This is a tough group! Try not to take it personally and I'll do the same. There are some real gem's here too, with a wealth of experience, knowledge, and willing to share it with us. This is my 2nd MC. The first was easy. This time I've had one rough day. Day 6. It was in partly caused by reading this board and hearing all the things people were doing besides what is in the book. I took Advil and it made me sick instead of toughing it out. That's exactly what I would have done if I had not read here that it was ok to take Advil. Moral of the story, read the book and stick to it. That's really what they mean, I think. Maybe after saying it so many times they get inpatient. They were also the ones to help me get though the bad day and realize the error of my ways, and kept me from quitting because I was frightened and thought I might be hurting myself. I'm on day 9 now and feeling great. This cleanse has done so much for me, I hope you won't cut off your nose to spite your face.