Your story is so inspirational! It's never too late to take your life back and it's so amazing to hear you take responsibility for your future and controlling it. Good for you!
Just remember, this will be hard. I always warn people that it's mind over matter. You will learn more about yourself than you ever thought you would. You will re-examine your relationship to food. I just finished my fourth cleanse and I have always thought my partner considered it a little kooky because he's always stayed a little distant to me during it, but last night he confessed to me how utterly impressed he is, that he's been too ashamed to admit that he feels he'd be too weak to take this on, which is why he distances himself - he wants to let me do it on my own. I had no idea. This will be a private journey, one you can share with others, but in the end it is all up to you. I believe food is America's number one addiction - we don't eat to live, we live to eat. You can change that. Just know that there is support here for you and that we believe in you.