That sounds like a great recipe I wrote it down and can't wait to try. I used my dehydrator a lot last summer but haven't as much throught the winter except for crackers. I started eating cooked food when the cold came to Seattle. My body needed the warming factor...or so I thought. Now I am gathering recipes for all kinds of dehydrated creations. My friends on Maui used to run a RAW food restaurant so while living with them I sampled a lot of their goodies. One of my favorites was the RAW pizza...a great treat but timely to make.
I do the Hulda Clark Liver Flush. It took sometime to prepare for but well worth it. She suggests doing a parasite cleanse 1st to have a pain free time. Her approach is quite easy. Especially if you use the Fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and shake it real well...then drink it through a straw...kind of quickly. It goes down easy & I barely taste the oil. I like her version because other than the pre-cleanse it is straight forward. I like things that produce quick results. I would rather do her method than do a whole week of Liver cleansing. If you haven't done the parasite cleanse it's key before going further. It would be like mopping your floor without 1st sweeping. There is info. right here on the Cure zone if you want to learn more.