Re: DAY 14...wondering when to stop
I'm planning to eat RAW thereafter and am already soaking my flax seeds to make crackers. It's great to hear you are doing raw too. It does continue to clean out the toxins. I remember someone once saying you could actually lose more eating RAW because the metabolism is working vs. slowed down after not eating.
How did you make the macaroons...I love coconut!
Also just to note I did a
Liver Flush immediately after my last
Master-Cleanse of 21 days back in August. I had flushed 7 times previously so knew what to expect. It seemed like all the other flushes as far as being effective. There was about half a cup of stones both yellow & green, which is usually what I get out each time.
I do like the advice to perhaps come off the cleanse eat RAW for awhile and do another. Paul Bragg suggests this methodology for weight reduction. He goes as far as to say do a week then eat a week. Then fast 2 weeks eat 2 weeks. Then fast 3 weeks. In between the diet is simple with a lot of veggies & protein. I only have a small amount of weight to lose in leu of the 30 that has come off this past year.
I guess for now I am going to get through today and atleast tomorrow. I will decide on wed. if I continue.