Re: Soap suds enema not safe ?
Christina, hopefully your have resolved your constipation issues by now. But, some deal with constipation for a long time in their lives.
If you are like that, please seek professional medical help.
I am glad Valerie told of the soapy, soap suds , enema. Especially telling it is good for constipation.
Growing up the enema was given often. While I fussed and resisted sometimes when told, and was given the enema, I am now thankful that my mom, and especially my nurse aunt, were firm and forceful enough to give the enema. Regardless how much fuss I or my siblings put up. I feel my health is so good now because of good diet, exercise and getting enemas growing up.
My aunt and mom did as Valerie told. The soapy enema was made with a bar of ivory soap. She would put a pan in the sink and swish the bar in the warm water until milky water was made. Sometimes she would rub the bar between her hands under the running water into the pan.
I was given a bulb, or two, of the soapy solution on the kitchen table. She put a towel on the table. The enemas were given when laying on back. Legs pulled up to chest or held up in the air some.
If resisting or would not hold still for the enema my aunt would ask the woman from next door to assist. Both of them were nurses. This was in the early 60s.
How much solution? The water was made with the bar of ivory soap. Made until the water turned milky. A 8
oz syringe was given. Sometimes repeated. When older, and when I was on my own, the two
quart red rubber enema bag was used.
Best to consult with your doctor/holistic doctor before giving or getting an enema.
For constipation, Most grown ups are given a two
quart soap suds enema. Filled by a two
quart clear water enema.
Ask your doctor for advice.