Re: Brain Worms treatment remedies?
There are Flatworms, White worms, Red worms.
There are
parasite worms that travel to the head, and then there are
parasites that destroy brain tissue, these are completely different things.
Example1: While Treating flatworms, Clearing liver:
parasite dies in hippocampus and or spinal column, while on Praziquantel. Painful and risk of death if you stop breathing. Go slow when these start to die. Dangerous. Pain Meds are required. Alinia may also be helpful. Resistant Flukes require TCBZ or Bithinol.
Example2: The pork tapeworm, Taenia solium, belongs to the cyclophyllid cestode family Taeniidae. Pork Tape worms cause of 30% of epilepsy cases, although
Ascaris can also cause epilepsy events. Pork
Tapeworms should be MRI confirmed, or differential nerve body control, before Praziquantel, and or during Praziquantel. Pork tape worms can cause thrashing while dying, focal nerve loss in brain, but most important signal you have these in brain, is left arm jerks, or right leg jerks, something in nerve system is different on one side of the body or field of vision changes locally. This difference is something to watch for, it indicates focal deficit or activation while treating pork tape worms, and the dose of med must be controlled to prevent extra damage. It can take 4 days for a
parasite worm to die when in the brain, and antiparasitic dosing levels are high enough to kill them. Once they start dying, there is no stopping the reaction. Lower doses of vitamin D can slow the kill. Half the antiparasitic med for 4 days may help as well. Once they start dying, you have to see the kill through, do this as safely as possible.
In neurocysticercosis, since the destruction of cysts may lead to an inflammatory response, specialized treatment of active disease is required and may include long courses with high doses of praziquantel and/or albendazole, as well as supporting therapy with corticosteroids and/or anti-epileptic drugs, and possibly surgery. The dosage and the duration of treatment can vary depending on the number, size, location of the sac's or cysts, fluid edema, and the severity of symptoms.
Ascaris are dosed DEC, or Oxbendazole, or Piperazine citrate. Worm travels to fluid around right hemisphere for 1-4 days where the worm burns like it ingested jalapeno peppers. While painful, this is not very damaging to the overall cure rate of Ascaris. Dull Ache and toxins can persist. Filarial infections cause brain fog, of L3 stages of hyper infections of both white worm Ascarids, and red worms. Actual vision can be effected. Toxocara is actually one of the hardest white worms to treat, especially in the brain and head.
Ascaris can cause memory loss, starting at age 8, but not debilitating until Age 50 - 65+.
Round Filarial worms are both a stage and a Disease. AS L3 they can be either white or red. (2 layer worm, or 3 layer worm) DEC mostly works on 2 layer worms. Fenben, OXFen, IVM, MOXI can work on 3 layer worms, along with Flax seed oil, Eucalyptus, and other oils.
Example4: Filarial or Strongyle penetration of vascular or brain tissue. This is a serious situation. Medications may make the situation worse, bacterial infections of a systemic nature may require doxy, or oregano oil, and or other paths to keep side effects to a minimum. One may need to relearn how to walk several times, or suffer loss of balance events that last for months. Ability to walk, strokes, and other events may make these infections difficult to manage. disorientation, head spinning, bouts of dementia are usually short. Sharp pain can occur with red worms in brain. Visual disturbance. Portal blood flow impact possible. Falling to floor when strongyles mate in brain vessels. Red worms can cause loss of balance. Seizures, Strokes possible, especially with Levamisole (Powder Camphor) at greater than 3.75mg/kg. Pyrantel, Red worms may burn when dosed with meds or Flax Seed oil, or Black Cumin Seed oil, or Thyme. Conventional red worm eggs are effected by Invermectin. Barberpoles are effected by monepantel.
Thankfully most worms avoid the brain, and it's immune reactions, but as populations increase, so does the possibility of brain involvement.
Loss of brain tissue can result over years of infection. At 4 years, many infections may allow for a complete recovery.
Beyond 4 years there may be significant impact to memory.
Some functional loss will occur to vision, thinking, coordination.
At 8 years there is permanent damage.
At 12 years there may be personality changes, especially if treatment is not undertaken.
Red worms can cause:
necrotizing microfilarial
necrotizing encephalitis
Necrotizing arterial vasculitis
Disseminated necrosis Especially Infecting the Brain, Heart, and Kidneys