Re: Exfoliative Cheilitis Survey
Also, I just wanted to say, even if you're like 90% cured of EC, if you start picking at your lips, and by accident you ripped something and it bleeds, then EC will come back... Even if you're basically cured from EC, if you pick your lips, EC will come back.
That just goes to show how CRUICIAL it is to stop picking your lips. Don't pick them, don't peel them, don't bite them, don't squeeze them, don't pucker them, don't apply pressure, don't smoke weed (it irritates your lips/causes trauma), don't apply anything to them, don't apply lemon juice, don't apply harsh chemicals, don't do anything that you feel a stinging/burning sensation, just leave them alone.
You don't really need to apply anything to your lips, just leave them alon. If you wish to use something on them do it after the leave it alone method when you are 95% cured. And make sure to use something that's not too harsh.Also, make sure not to use too much or it will make your lips start to burn(more trauma) and it will cause unnecessary breakouts. If you ever feel a harsh burning sensation it's a signal to stop doing what you're doing (whether it's picking your lips, or applying harsh chemicals, etc). Also, if you use something, make sure it's diluted and not too strong/harsh. But the most important thing to do is just leave them alone.
EC is like a scab beleive it or not. If you just leave it alone the more you leave it alone the more it will heal (Long term process). If you decide to pull off or peel or pick the scab, it will set you back in the healing process. Brush teeth, don't smoke, the more gentle you are with them the better. Soaking them in plain water is fine.
Also, make sure that your mental trauma is low too. Mental trauma is basically physical trauma. Any trauma is bad for EC even if it's mental, also physical, spiritual, etc. avoid all trauma. For example, certain parts of your body are correlated. For example, the lips could be affected by teeth. A lazy eye could be caused by a problem in your brain.. etc It's all connected and could cause problems to each other.
So, the point is to try and understand what you are feeling and try to fix any unessesary trauma you're causing to yourself. Don't pick your lips becasue that will only make EC come back, and back, and back, and back. Think of it this way, how are your lips ever going to heal if you're always picking and peeling them (causing trauma to them)?