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Re: Coffee enema question?? Why always parasite in stool
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Re: Coffee enema question?? Why always parasite in stool

Ropeworm has no real definition. For some people it could be intestinal plaque coming from the small intestine. For others it could be some colony organism in the colon, or a multi-stage organism like Gubarev says. But no one knows the answer to what it is exactly.

Coffee in chinese medicine is considered a tonic for the small intestine, and as a bitter it stimulates the gallbladder. Ray Peat has a ton of great things to say about coffee.

In theory coffee enemas are just supposed to stimulate the gallbladder to release via direct absorption through the portal vein in the colon. In reality though they also have tremendous benefit for the sigmoid and descending colon to clear out parasites and junk. Strong coffee is an excellent antihelminthic no matter how you intake.

The sigmoid colon is also known in old school natural medical texts as the 'region of worms'. Blasting this area with a potent antihelminthic is not surprisingly resulting in expulsion of said critters.

Some of the results you are getting could also be from the direct path to the liver or gallbladder.

Obligatory pineapple juice and papaya plug: Drink fresh pineapple juice and eat fresh papaya with seeds.

The best herb for parasites is called embelia ribes. People could eliminate most of their many parasite supplements and medications with this single herb.

At some point you have to consider whether what you're passing keeps growing back, either from eggs, biofilm, diet, or other unknowns. The best diet (hardest too) to make sure you're not feeding the problem is raw fruitarian with emphasis on enzymes, but it can also make people crazy.



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