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Re: Ropeworm Infection outside of gi tract in blood and Skin in desperate need of help
Chimichanga Views: 2,625
Published: 6 y
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Re: Ropeworm Infection outside of gi tract in blood and Skin in desperate need of help

just an update for those of you who who are in the same shoes. i just went to the doctor for a regular checkup i just wanted a blood test to be done to see if they can find anything. i am healthy and i was pre diabetic and longer am. i think these test the doctors do are bullshit. i just laughed and didn't mention to doctors what im doing what i have been taking. they didn't even know i was taking moxidectin or valbenza didn't show up in my test even though they said they did full blood work. what i learned from all this dont trust doctors. i went there for a regular check. the doctor told me what ever it is im doing keep on doing it seems to be working. its a new doctor she read my history and i told her i took care of it my self. and she was like what ever your doing it seems to be working so just do it lol. that probably was the first doctor with some sense that i have talked to. but am i healed definitely not. but i can say my health improved dramatically. im currently taking a dose of moxidectin per my weight every 3 months. i was 160 8 months ago im 180 now. my hair was falling out now my hair has grown and its full in the spots i was going bald thanks to antifungul creams , sulfur soap, and shampoos mixed with neem and tee tree oil. i shaved my head during that time and i think that was the key. what ever that disease it it hangs on to the hair follicles under the scalp. i have no more sores. sure i do have scars that are red but slowly been going away with emuaid max and i exfoliate my face with aztec healing clay i mix it with brags appple cider vingegar atleast twice a week. every morning i wipe my face with mixture of apple cider venegar and water with cotton ball. and i drink a glass off 2 tble spoon apple cider vingegar, 1 teeth of garlic half squeezed orange, lil dab of honey and passion fruit water with the seeds. i think that drink has helped me alot. i also been taking this blood clearner called Calc Sulph 6x Blood Cleanser & Suppuration Remedy it is Useful for Skin Problems like Acne & Eczema, Good for Wounds abcesses & Boils, Eye Infections. i take maintenance dose of valbenza once a week and moxidectin every 3 months. it is very important to drain your lymph nodes i went to a massage therapist who did massages to help me drain the lymphnodes. were do all these parasites viruses bacterias waste goes once there dead? they travel through lymphatic system and if you dont have money to go to massage therapist there videos that show you how its done it just look for lymph node draining massage. so this is kinda what i been doing as for my personel life im back to work and living comfortably. my life is back on track but i know what ever i have was not just one disease. it was a mix of parasites, ropeworms, candida and fungus. i just hope this information can be helpful for those of you who have suffered how i have.


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